Migration Mobilities Bristol (MMB) is a Research Institute at the University of Bristol. We are an interdisciplinary network of academics and others with diverse interests from Film Studies, Modern Languages and Music, to Politics, Sociology and Aerospace Engineering!
MMB offers a creative space to engage with migration in theory, policy and practice. By expanding and challenging understandings of migration and making connections between different types of mobilities, beyond the human and across time, we endeavour to contribute to a more just world.

Our work is oriented around three research challenges:
- Bodies, things, capital – explores the relationships between migration and other forms of mobility and types of being such as the movement of goods, data and non-human species.
- Bordering, control, justice – seeks to understand people’s different abilities to move as well as the conflicts and struggles that are shaped by everyday constraints on their movements and presence.
- Representation, belonging, futures – analyses assumptions in representations of migration, and explores the futures generated by the perspectives of people on the move.
We promote what we call ‘The Bristol Approach to migration and mobilities’: research that is conceptually driven, critical and creative.
There are 200+ scholars across Bristol University interested in all aspects of migration and mobility.
MMB works with a wide range of external members including governments, NGOs & trade unions.
MMB showcases research evidence and expertise in unique online and postgraduate courses.