From time to time MMB commissions and publishes blog posts as part of a special series. Most recently we co-published the series ‘Migration, Mobilities and the Environment’ in collaboration with the Cabot Institute for the Environment. This explored connections between movement and the environment from multi-disciplinary perspectives.
Previously, MMB published the series:
- ‘Letter from Afar’, from May to Sept 2020, in which fellow researchers from across the world told us about their experience of doing research in extraordinary times.
- ‘Race, Nation and Migration’, Feb to June 2021, which gave an opportunity to rethink the relationship between movement and racism.
MMB also publishes:
- A blog on the MMB Latin America website, with contributions from scholars and activists across the region as well as from Bristol.
- A collection on Policy, Politics and Practice.
- An ongoing series on New Writing in Migration and Mobilities.