Webinar series and networking event, co-hosted with the Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet), March-May 2023.
Health is a fundamental human right, yet in practice, there are many barriers to the realisation of ‘Health for All’. The health inequalities and barriers to access healthcare systems faced by people-onthemove and by non-citizens more generally, have long been recognised in research, policy and practice. While the World Health Organisation continues to advocate for ‘migrant sensitive health systems’ (2010), healthcare systems are bounded within the nation state, subject to the laws and policies of governments that increasingly restrict the rights of ‘migrants’ to access their rights. As rights to health are restricted, health and social protection systems are mobilised within hostile environment regimes as a means of surveillance.
The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the need for universal health care and the fragility of national health systems. This series of four webinars and one online networking event is organised by MMB and University of Glasgow’s GRAMNet and will reflect on access to health care for migrants, refugees and those seeking asylum. Starting from different disciplinary standpoints, the speakers offer empirical and theoretical work exploring the relations between health and migration and the role of migration systems in the production of health inequalities. We will end the series with a (fun!) online networking event.
Details of the webinars and networking event below.

Webinar 1 – Health: a key component of mobility justice
Wednesday 29th March, 1-2pm.
With Nicola Burns, Karolina Follis and Luca Follis. Further information here.
Webinar 2 – Exploring the mental health and psychosocial experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented migrants in the post migration context.
Wednesday 12th April, 1-2pm.
With Alessio Albanese and Kate O’Donnell. Further information here and recording here.
Webinar 3 – A social model of asylum: disablement and resistance in the British asylum system
Wednesday 26th April, 1-2pm.
With Rebecca Yeo. Further information here and recording here.
Webinar 4 – Syrian mental health assessment and migration study: preliminary findings from a mixed-methods study
POSTPONED – to be rescheduled.
With Loubaba Mamluk and Sabi Redwood.