Youth Futures 2019

Animating the Future: Exploring the Life-Trajectories of Indigenous Youth in Amazonia through Ethnographic Animation

The Youth Futures project is a partnership between the University of Bristol, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and Chapman University, USA. The project looks to identify tangible strategies to tackle the challenges that indigenous Peruvian youth encounter in trying to attain the adulthoods they desire.

In many of the indigenous populations in Latin America, children and youth constitute the largest demographics. They will, therefore, play a key role in defining the future of indigenous societies in times of critical shifts and instability. However, research addressing the voices and perspectives of indigenous youth through youth-centred methods remains limited and their role of future-makers is largely underexamined.

This project aims to develop an interdisciplinary framework and a collaborative methodology to explore the life-trajectories and imagined futures of indigenous youth in Amazonian Peru. The research is quintessentially collaborative and indigenous youth will take an active role in the production and dissemination of knowledge within Peru and internationally.


For further details please see the Youth Futures website

This project is associated with the MMB Challenge on Representation, belonging, futures