MMB/Psychology Research Group

Meeting Room 2, First Floor 1 Priory Road, Bristol

This will be the second lunchtime meeting for members of MMB and the School of Psychological Science to come together to discuss issues of migration, movement, psychology and mental health. […]

‘Burma: Food, Family and Conflict’ – A Talk and Tastings

Stanfords Bookshop 29 Corn Street, Bristol, United Kingdom

MMB Director Bridget Anderson and her brother and co-author Stephen Anderson present their unique hybrid of family memoir and cookbook. Bridget’s family biography and historical research is paired with mouth-watering […]

Tour of ‘Refuge and Renewal: Migration and British Art’

The Royal West of England Academy is holding a private tour for MMB members of its major exhibition, ‘Refuge and Renewal: Migration and British Art’. The exhibition explores the impact […]

IdeasLab: Securing Britain’s Seas

As a nation of islands, maritime security is of critical importance to the UK. It comprises a range of important issues, including fisheries management, the migration of people, the fight […]

Slavery, Criminalisation, Citizenship and Mobility – Talk, Film and Book Launch

Old Council Chamber, Wills Memorial Building Queens Road, Bristol

In the Atlantic World, the enslaved were simultaneously constructed as objects of property and criminally culpable persons. Following slavery’s legal abolition, criminalisation remained central to the exclusion of formerly enslaved […]

*POSTPONED* MMB Research Seminar

Meeting Room 1 1 Priory Road, Bristol

The MMB Research Seminars run twice a term and offer an opportunity for members to present work they are intending to publish and receive feedback from colleagues. For this seminar, […]

*CANCELLED* Unpacking Fieldwork in Challenging Settings (2)

Power relations and gender during fieldwork: Yup, issues are still there! Identifying and managing power relations is a constant struggle in research and often magnified during fieldwork. The second seminar […]

*CANCELLED* ‘Dangerous Liaisons: Sea and Desert in Antiquity’

Room G10 43 Woodland Road.

A talk by Professor Gil Gambash, University of Haifa. Significant stretches of the Mediterranean coastline lie in proximity to arid or semi-arid micro-regions, particularly along the shores of Africa and […]


The Brambles Back of the Hawthorns

Need to talk through a new research idea? Looking for advice on increasing the impact of your work? Want to disseminate your research more widely or run an event? MMB […]