CLW talk: Decent Work for Displaced People: Organizing in Response to Labour Abuses of Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants in Colombia and Brazil
Lady Hale Moot Court Room, 8-10 Berkeley Square, BristolA talk by Jennifer Gordon (Fordham University School of Law), hosted by the Centre for Law at Work. How much difference does a work permit make for migrants and refugees? […]
Privatisation of the Digital Hostile Environment: A Seminar with Kaelynn Narita
Room 2D2, Priory Road Complex Block D, Priory Road, Bristol, United KingdomThis talk explores the pattern of using private actors to build, design and maintain border technology in the UK. By exploring the privatisation of the so-called Digital Hostile Environment I reveal the […]
MMB PGR Discussion Group: Decolonising migration research: (Not) just a metaphor?
Meeting Room 2, First Floor 1 Priory Road, BristolWe are pleased to invite you to the final MMB PGR discussion group for this academic year, which will focus on the issue of decolonisation. Building on previous sessions, we will explore […]
MMB Drinks: ‘What Went Wrong With My Bid?!’
Faculty of Arts Research Space, Room 1.H020, 7 Woodland Road, BristolJoin us to celebrate all the hard work that has gone into your failed grant applications! We know how much energy and labour are put into developing a bid and […]
Workshop: ‘Seeing Globalization – Alternative Perspectives on Production Today’
Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United KingdomThis workshop takes as its starting point that our notions of production are changing. Old assumptions about what makes globalization work are being challenged on many fronts. Some of those […]
Bordering Bristol: Visuality Workshop
Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United KingdomAn afternoon workshop run by Victoria Hattam (MMB Leverhulme Visiting Professor) and Nariman Massoumi to explore the dynamics of visual fields through the collaborative making of visual essays. Lunch provided! […]
Seminar with Gimena del Rio Riande: ‘Is There Such a Thing as Global Digital Humanities?’
Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United KingdomDr Gimena del Rio Riande is a researcher at CONICET (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and director of the Argentine Association of Digital Humanities. Over the past ten years we have witnessed […]
Film Screening and Talks: The Pursuit of Freedom: Seeking Asylum in Brazil, the UK and Greece
Wills Memorial Tower Room 3.31 Queens Road, Bristol, United KingdomFilm screening and talks on the experience of people seeking asylum in Brazil, the UK, and Greece As part of a European Research Council-funded project (MMPPF) that uses the histories of Atlantic World slavery to illuminate contemporary forms of violence, exploitation, and rightlessness, this event will explore and compare the experience of people who seek […]
Seminar with Adriana Suárez Delucchi: ‘Interculturality in Territorial Planning: The Ranco Rural Drinking Water Project (Saavedra, Chile)’
Humanities Research Space (1.H020) 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, United KingdomDr Adriana Suárez Delucchi, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile Please join us to welcome Adriana Suárez back to Bristol. She will be in conversation with Paul Merchant about her new research project. The event is co-hosted by the Centre of Environmental Humanities, Migration Mobilities Bristol, and the Department […]
MMB Leverhulme Public Lecture with Professor Victoria Hattam: ‘Seeing Gold – Imagination and Evidence’
G.09 Lecture Theatre, Fry Building, Woodland Road, BristolA public lecture by our Leverhulme Visiting Professor Victoria Hattam from The New School for Research, New York. Followed by a drinks reception. Imagination, Hattam contends, is a central aspect of both academic research and political life. Drawing on three rather different research sites she explores competing state representations of the COVID-19 virus, the gold […]