‘Documenting Violence Against Migrants as Forms of Complex Memorialisation’: A Seminar with Sylvanna Falcón

G4 Room G4, 3 Priory Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

What are the challenges and questions raised by research on violence against migrants? Sylvanna Falcón of UC Santa Cruz and a UoB visiting scholar will lead a conversation on this subject, drawing on research that has documented hundreds of incidents violence against migrants in Mexico on their way to seek asylum in the United States. […]

‘Rural-Urban Migration, Racialization and Race-Based Mobilization in Cartagena during the Twentieth Century’

Arts Complex, G.H03 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

A research talk by Orlando Deavila Pertuz, Assistant Professor, International Institute of Caribbean Studies, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. Since the mid-twentieth century, thousands of rural migrants moved to the city of Cartagena in Caribbean Colombia, seeking a better life. Among these were men and women from Palenque, a former maroon community. Since their arrival in […]

Caribbean Stories Across Borders: A Workshop

Humanities Research Space (1.H020) 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

How can we have broader stories about the Caribbean across borders, whether those be boundaries of empire, language or discipline, and within academia, educational institutions and beyond? We will be thinking through these questions with visiting scholar Orlando Deavila Pertuz, from the International Institute of Caribbean Studies, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. What stories are told […]

MMB Reading Group: Lilie Chouliaraki and Myria Georgiou

Online meeting

This month the MMB reading group, led by MMB Research Coordinator Juan Zhang, will be discussing Lilie Chouliaraki and Myria Georgiou's recent book The Digital Border: Migration, Technology, Power (NYU Press, 2022). In particular, the group will discuss the introduction, 'The Digital Border: The Techno-Symbolic Assemblages of Power', and chapter 2, 'The Inner Border: Assemblages of […]

The Ethics and Geopolitics of Representation in Post-Conflict Peru

Room G65 15 Woodland Road, Bristol

A seminar with Sylvanna Falcón, UC Santa Cruz. Representation can be quite challenging to navigate when societies are divided about how to memorialize a tragedy. In the case of Perú, this tension came to the fore with the creation of human rights memorials to commemorate the lives of those affected by the internal conflict of […]

MMB Tour of Bristol Digital Futures Institute

BDFI 65 Avon Street, Bristol, United Kingdom

Join us for a tour of Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI), a unique part of the university where interdisciplinary teams work together with the aim of shaping digital futures that work for all. Many MMB members will be very conscious of the challenges of achieving this aim, and that all too often digital technologies work […]

‘Freedom Without Exclusions: Land, Labour, and Liberty for All’

G.10, LR 43 Woodland Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

Featuring: Sam Okyere (University of Bristol); Raphael Godlove Ahenu Jr (Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Global Media Foundation - GLOMEF); Alf Nilsen (University of Pretoria); Nandita Sharma (University of Hawai’i at Manoa). Discussant: Victoria Hattam (The New School for Social Research and Leverhulme Visiting Professor, hosted by MMB).   US- and British-based antislavery campaigners […]

Are Trigger/Content Warnings Impacting Learning? A Reading/Pedagogy Conversation with Sylvanna Falcón

Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United Kingdom

Educators are being encouraged to provide students with trigger or content warnings in which difficult topics are going to be covered, giving students agency on whether or not they want to learn about the subject. When did this turn towards forewarning take place in higher education? How have these content/trigger warnings created new challenges for […]

MMB PGR Discussion Group

Lady Hale Moot Court Room, 8-10 Berkeley Square, Bristol

We are delighted to announce the second MMB PGR discussion group meeting! This session will focus on borders and bordering techniques. In particular, we will discuss the benefits and risks of examining borders and consider whether we have an ethical responsibility to research and undo borders. We are honoured to have Professor Nandita Sharma join us for the […]

Casino Asia: How Do Casinos Transform Social Imaginations?

Room 1.01 13 Berkeley Square, Bristol, United Kingdom

This is a joint seminar with Bristol Hub for Gambling Harms Research. Casino Asia: How do casinos transform social imaginations? To register for a free in-person ticket, please sign up on […]