Illegal Migration Bill – Emergency Discussion
Online meetingThe Athenian Laws introduced by Draco c. 621 BCE were said to be written not in ink but blood. The UK government’s Illegal Migration Bill currently going through Parliament is draconian. It effectively puts an end to the UK’s asylum system as we know it and to many of the protections of the Modern Slavery […]
Exploring the mental health and psychosocial experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented migrants in the post migration context
WebinarThe second webinar in our series 'The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health', co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. Re-thinking the asylum process as a social determinant of health. With Alessio Albanese and Kate O'Donnell. Ample research has demonstrated the effects of pre migration experiences (e.g., war, persecution, violence, torture) on the mental health […]
Syrian mental health assessment and migration study: preliminary findings from a mixed-methods study
Webinar*** POSTPONED*** The third webinar in our series ‘The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health‘, co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. With Loubaba Mamluk and Sabi Redwood. Triggered by the war in Syria, 4.6 million Syrians formed the largest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation. There is existing evidence to suggest […]
A social model of asylum: disablement and resistance in the British asylum system
WebinarThe final webinar in our series ‘The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health', co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. With Rebecca Yeo. The UK asylum system includes multiple restrictions which limit access to the services and support needed for physical and emotional health and wellbeing. At different stages in an asylum claim, people are […]
Wild About Weeds Walking Tour
RWA entrance Queen's Road, BristolAre you, or could you be, wild about weeds? Join MMB and Bristol Ideas for a walking conversation about weeds, indigeneity and mobility. We’re excited to be joined by Jane […]
On Freedom: Whose Story? Whose Lens? – An Art Exhibition by Jean Joseph
Centrespace Gallery 6 St Leonard Lane, Bristol, United KingdomArtist Jean Joseph is working with the Modern Marronage Project, MMB and a group of asylum-seekers to present an exhibition on freedom at CentreSpace Gallery. There will be a number […]
Territory and Citizens: Reimagining Cohabitation in the City
(de)Bordering Plot Royal Fort Gardens, Bristol, United KingdomAn open air, interactive talk by Julia Morris. Parks, wastelands, building sites and overgrown ruins all offer urban ecologies for a multitude of non-human city dwellers. But who do these […]
Making Place for Plants
(de)Bordering Plot Royal Fort Gardens, Bristol, United KingdomA discussion and celebration of plants at the (de)Bordering plots in Royal Fort Gardens, University of Bristol, co-hosted by Brigstow Institute and MMB. "Plants are the most important, least understood, […]
MMB Reading Group – Rosi Braidotti
Online meetingThis month the MMB Reading Group are meeting to discuss Rosi Braidotti’s work on the nomadic subject, Braidotti, R., 2014. Writing as a nomadic subject. Comparative Critical Studies, 11(2-3), pp.163-18 […]
Object Politics: Remembering Vietnam at the US-Mexico Border Wall
Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United KingdomA multi-disciplinary seminar with Professor Victoria Hattam exploring politics, migration, mobility, visual culture, design and materiality. Drawing on photographic and historical research, Victoria Hattam considers links between the US […]