MMB Reading Group – ‘Western Privilege: Work, Intimacy, and Postcolonial Hierarchies in Dubai’ by Amélie Le Renard

Online meeting

*** Please note the new date for this meeting*** The MMB Reading Group will meet to discuss Western Privilege: Work, Intimacy, and Postcolonial Hierarchies in Dubai (Stanford University Press, 2021) by Amélie Le Renard. Nearly 90 per cent of residents in Dubai are foreigners with no Emirati nationality. As in many global cities, those who hold Western […]

Spike Island Exhibition Tour: ‘Pigs and Poison’ and ‘Nosferasta’

Spike Island 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

Join MMB's Representation, Belonging, Futures research challenge for a group tour of Spike Island's new exhibitions: 'Pigs and Poison' by Candice Lin and 'Nosferasta', a film by Adam Khalil and Bayley Sweitzer. Both exhibitions focus on colonial encounters and legacies, using different mediums to explore experiences of race, diaspora, citizenship and imperial conquest. In 'Pigs […]

Migrant Workers or Ethnic Minority Labour Force – What’s the Difference, What’s the Same?


*** Please note the change of date *** A lunchtime symposium bringing together academic experts with a background in sociology, migration studies, law and critical race theory to discuss their research on the experience of migrants and minority ethnic groups in the UK labour market. The symposium is co-hosted by Migration Mobilities Bristol and the […]

‘African Apocalypse’ (2020) screening

Winston Theatre First Floor, Richmond Building, 105 Queens Road, Bristol

The Department of Film and Television (FTV) invite you to a screening and talks about ‘African Apocalypse’, a new film about Africa’s colonial past. The event is co-organised with Migration Mobilities Bristol, the Perivoli Africa Research Centre and Afrika Eye. ‘African Apocalypse’ is the story of a young man’s epic journey across Africa in search of a […]

Plotting at the (de)Bordering Hearth

Join Brigstow and Migration Mobilities Bristol for lunch at the (de)Bordering hearth to meet others, enjoy an interdisciplinary conversation or three, and think about future uses of the (de)Bordering spaces. […]

MMB PGR Network Workshop

Members of the new MMB PGR network will meet to introduce their projects to each other, share ideas about migration and mobilities research, and make connections to help build a […]