Citizenship in Myanmar: Past and Future

Online symposium

A roundtable bringing together researchers working on issues of citizenship, statelessness and civil documentation among minority communities in Myanmar. Myanmar's 'unofficial minorities' - or those not recognized as belonging to one of the state's 135 official 'ethnic nationalities' - face severe challenges and discrimination in accessing citizenship documentation and by extension, government services and rights […]

‘Hold Back the Dawn’ (1941) – ‘in motion’ MMB Film Group screening

The Cinema, Department of Film and Television 5th Floor, Richmond Building, Bristol

Screening and discussion on a forgotten Hollywood classic about love at the border: Hold Back the Dawn (Mitchell Leisen, 1941). Directed by underrated Hollywood director Mitchell Leisen, and co-written by Billy Wilder, Hold Back the Dawn (1941) is a melancholic romantic drama centring on Georges Iscovescu (Charles Boyer, Gaslight), a Romanian refugee stuck in a Mexican border town […]

MMB Reading Group – ‘No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis’ by Serena Parekh

Online meeting

This month the MMB Reading Group will meet to discuss No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis by Serena Parekh (Oxford University Press, 2020).   Details from the publisher: 'This book confronts the ethical dimension of the global refugee crisis. When most people think of the global refugee crisis, they think of Syrians crossing the […]

Vigil for Those Who Have Died at Borders

Royal Fort Gardens

More unnecessary deaths at the border, loss, pain and shameful injustice. On 29th November we are asking those of you who can to set aside 15 minutes at 5pm to think about what things you and we can do in response. We will hold a vigil at the (de)Bordering plot from 5.30-6pm to remember all […]

Migrant Workers of Ethnic Minority Labour Force? What’s the Difference, What’s the Same?


*** Postponed due to industrial action ***   A lunchtime symposium bringing together academic experts with a background in sociology, migration studies, law and critical race theory to discuss their research on the experience of migrants and minority ethnic groups in the UK labour market. The symposium is co-hosted by Migration Mobilities Bristol and the […]

MMB Latin America Research Workshop

*** Postponed due to industrial action ***   The workshop will be an opportunity for members of MMB Latin America to present their current research and its migration and mobilities angle, and then receive feedback from the group. We will also be discussing future activities for the group in 2022. If you would like to […]

Celebration of New Mural at Easton Community Centre

Easton Community Centre Kilburn Street, Easton, Bristol, United Kingdom

Please note the change of date. Join us to celebrate International Day of Disabled People and view progress on a mural conveying the messages of disabled people and asylum seekers living in the Bristol area. People are working with artist Andrew Bolton to create a painted mural on the wall of the Easton Community Centre […]

New Mobilities or Persistent Inequalities? Exploring the Intersections of Migration, Gender and Race/Ethnicity in the Exploitation of Digitalised Domestic Labour (a Prospective Study)


*** This talk will now be held online*** Jing Hiah is an Assistant Professor in Criminology at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a Dutch Research Council (NWO) Rubicon Postdoctoral Researcher. She will be visiting the University of Bristol from December 2021 until July 2023 as a guest of MMB and SPAIS. During […]

MMB Christmas Gathering!

Hepple Lecture Theatre School of Geographical Sciences, University Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

*** CANCELLED *** Due to the worsening COVID situation we are having to cancel this Christmas gathering. It’s really disappointing but feels like the right thing to do as infection rates rise again and the new variant starts doing the rounds. But we are going to plan a great summer party instead, and hope that […]

MMB Reading Group: ‘Deporting Black Britons’ by Luke de Noronha

Online meeting

This month the MMB Reading Group will meet to discuss Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of Deportation to Jamaica by Luke de Noronha (Manchester University Press, 2020). What is it like to be deported from everything you know, exiled from parents, partners, children and friends? How do people who left Jamaica as infants deal with their forced return? How […]