In May 2024 we ran a survey of our more than 200 Bristol members. We had 42 responses that we summarise here and will use to set future MMB priorities.
MMB offers a creative space to engage with migration in theory, policy and practice. The activities that we have organised including events, websites and interdisciplinary networking are viewed as useful and essential:
Cross-disciplinary working
In the free text boxes some comments were made about more being done to facilitate cross disciplinary working between the life sciences with the social sciences. We agree that this is really exciting area, and will allow UoB to stand out globally with a unique ‘Bristol Approach’. We have done some activities in this area, such as a special blog series on migration, mobilities and the environment – a joint blog series with Cabot, the (de)Bordering spaces in Royal Fort Gardens with Brigstow and a Wild about Weeds walking tour of Bristol thinking about connections between weeds, indigeneity and mobility. Having said, that our responses were overwhelmingly from members in Arts, Law and Social Sciences so more can be done in this space! Also, 3 comments referred to an overemphasis on modern examples rather than historical ones. We agree that historical insights are really important and will consider how to draw this out more.
Events and activities
Some comments were made about having more events, whilst others asked for fewer! This year we listed 35 events that we ran or supported. This is really as much as we can manage with current resources, but given that not everyone will be able to make every activity we feel it is important to offer a wide range of options. One comment asked for more help with publishing and career development. If this is something that you would appreciate then please get in touch and we will reinstate the online drop in sessions that some people found useful in the past.
Strategy and transparency
Finally, there were several comments around MMB’s strategic aims and decision making being opaque and centralised. We take this point on board and welcome any constructive ideas of ways to address this. We have an annual operating budget of £15k and more recently have been given £50k a year (2023-2025) to run international strategically useful activities. This has enabled us to recruit an Associate Director and some additional administrative support to run events and digital communications. This kind of budget does not go that far though and we have to be aware of not having heavily bureaucratic processes to administer small pots of finance.
So to end, we welcome the support and constructive feedback that we received through this survey. We want to reiterate that we are always open to ideas and happy to give advice or think around a problem with you, so please do get in touch!
Selected comments
The most important network in my Bristol Uni experience. Every event, every blogpost, every visiting scholar, is worth enjoying and learning from. And the environment among colleagues is incredible, so friendly and welcoming and makes you feel at ease. The magic balance of comfortable and groundbreaking!
MMB is really important as an intellectual community. It is now well-known by my colleagues beyond the University of Bristol and I have been invited to be part of funding bids because of it. The people who work for MMB are extremely approachable and have helped me with concrete challenges that other admin staff would not have the specialist expertise to do, or who I would have difficulty locating within the university infrastructure. If MMB’s place within the University may change, please give it more prominence, not less.
The work is so precious. It is the single most important group in my Bristol Uni experience. It is large part of the reason why I decided to come here 4 years ago, and large part of the reason I am considering staying. Crucial to get together and share ideas and projects, and to network and strategise for funds in the future. In two words, absolutely essential.