This research challenge explores the relationships between migration and other non-human mobilities such as the movement of goods, data and living beings. These relationships can be direct, indirect and metaphorical. It examines how broadening our approach and making connections with other forms of mobility and with the non-human that moves we can better understand how human movement impacts on and reflects eco-systems, socio-economic relations and technological change.
This research challenge traces movements of the human and non-human and the connections between them to help develop a systemic understanding of migration. For example, one of the primary drivers of the movement of people has been the search for markets, for land and for work; the movement of the COVID-19 virus has been enabled by human movement and has had an impact on human mobilities; the movement of data has both facilitated and restricted border crossings. We explore the materiality of mobilities to make connections and better understand the impact of policy and activist interventions.
Key research questions include:
- How are these movements, and our understandings of them, gendered?
- When is migrant labour an object and when is it a determinant of capital’s mobility?
- What role do cities, sub-national territorial formations and regional arrangements play in capitalism(s) and what does this mean for understanding flows of people?
- How does anxiety about climate change and its consequences affect attitudes to human movement?
Latest blogs related to this challenge:
- Are the UK’s immigration rules forcing couples into marriage?A special series from the Migration Research Group of the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies at the University of Bristol. By Nicole Hoellerer and Katharine Charsley. The UK has one of the world’s most… Read more: Are the UK’s immigration rules forcing couples into marriage?
- Who’s in the fast lane? Will new border tech deliver seamless travel for all?Migration, Mobilities and Digital Technologies – a special series published in association with the ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures. By Travis Van Isacker. For the past year I have been attending border industry… Read more: Who’s in the fast lane? Will new border tech deliver seamless travel for all?
- ‘Slaves’, migrants and museums: the struggle for places of African memory in BrazilA special series from the Migration Research Group of the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies at the University of Bristol. By Julio D’Angelo Davies. Brazil is built on slavery. It was… Read more: ‘Slaves’, migrants and museums: the struggle for places of African memory in Brazil
Linked projects:
- ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures
- Hidden Narratives of Transnational Organised Crime in West Africa
- Protecting the Rights of Migrant Workers in Hungary through Public Procurement
- Migrants and Systemic Resilience (Mig-Res-Hub) – A Global COVID19 Research and Policy Hub
- (de)Bordering: Creative research exploring the politics of immigration and the
environment through planting - Re-visiting Child Sex Tourism, Re-thinking Business Responses
- Globalising Luxuries
- Migration, Development and Global Transformations (MDGT)
- Transnational Organised Crime at Sea: New evidence for better responses