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Book Launch of MMB Edited Volume: ‘Rethinking Migration: Challenging Borders, Citizenship and Race’

Tuesday 25 March at 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Rethinking Migration (Bristol University Press, 2025) is an interdisciplinary collection from Migration Mobilities Bristol that presents a new approach to migration and movement. It explores mobility beyond the human and across time, from the movement of soil in the Middle Ages to contemporary cow passports. It also examines the histories of international borders, how they are expressed in music and film and intertwined with the politics of race and nation. Read together the contributions demonstrate that borders are not only legal constructions but are endlessly socially and imaginatively in the making. Read more about the book here.

The event will be chaired by MMB Director, Bridget Anderson, editor of Rethinking Migration, with Maya Goodfellow giving a brief commentary on the book’s contribution to the field of migration and mobilities studies. Some of the contributors will also speak about their experience of working on this interdisciplinary volume.

The discussion will be followed by a drinks reception.

If you would like to attend the book launch, please sign up on the Eventbrite page



Tuesday 25 March
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Event Tags:
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Old Council Chamber, Wills Memorial Building
Queens Road
Bristol, BS8 1RJ
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