MMB PGR Discussion Group – Creative Methodologies in Migration Research
Tuesday 25 March at 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
This session will focus on creative methodologies in migration research, considering their potential to address and redress uneven relationships of power within knowledge production, particularly in terms of decolonising research.
We are honoured to have MMB Honorary Artist and anthropologist Liz Hingley join us for this session, who will kick off the discussion with a short keynote speech. Among other fascinating projects, Liz led the incredible SIM Project, which uses the SIM card as a platform to shape new ways of sharing and archiving stories of migration.
This is an interdisciplinary, PGR-led initiative aimed at fostering debate and exchange between PhD researchers and MMB scholars. The sessions offer a space for critical reflection and an opportunity to discuss shared research interests.
Please register here to attend as this will help us plan catering and let us know if you have any dietary requirements. For further information, please get in touch.
We look forward to seeing you there 🙂
Inês & Daniel