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Remember and Respond: Child Migrants and the Lives Behind the Data
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
A webinar reflecting on the experience of child migration and the failings of global policies to protect children on the move.
At 9.30am on 27th October 2020 three young children and their parents drowned in the Channel as they tried to cross to England. The experiences of children on the move are being lost in the policies devised to manage and control their movements around the world – policies that in some cases can prove fatal. Yet we cannot tell how many have gone missing since leaving home, and children’s voices are absent from policy makers’ data.
This webinar opens the MMB series ‘Childhood on the Move’ by drawing attention to the reality of children’s experience of border crossings and controls. It reflects on the innumerable tragic deaths and disappearances of children travelling illegally around the globe, and the far-reaching, agonising consequences for their families. It considers the gaps in the evidence used to create policies towards child migrants in Europe, and how these gaps perpetuate their dehumanisation. And it focuses on cases in the UK where treatment of undocumented minors is becoming harsher once more under the current Home Office regime.
Join the MMB Director and three leading researchers from Bristol to build on the conversation about the dangers, challenges and possibilities facing children on the move.
Please register on the Eventbrite page.
- Nadine Finch is an expert in children’s rights and human trafficking and was a human rights barrister from 1992 to 2015. She has been an expert and consultant in this field since 2002. She publishes widely on these subjects and is currently Honorary Senior Policy Fellow at the University of Bristol. She is also an associate with Child Circle, an organisation based in Brussels.
- Sam Okyere is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Bristol. He recently compiled a report for the IOM on the needs of families whose loved ones have died or gone missing in the course of migration.
- Ann Singleton is Senior Research Fellow in the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, and MMB Policy Strategic Lead. She leads the Worldwide Universities Network funded project ‘Memorials to people who have died and to those missing during migration’.
- Bridget Anderson – MMB Director, Professor of Migration, Mobilities and Citizenship, University of Bristol.
The speakers’ presentations will be followed by questions from the Chair and Q&A with the audience. A Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees 24 hours before the event.
Everyone is welcome. We are seeking to make our events accessible to everyone, so please let us know if you face barriers we could address.
MMB’s ‘Childhood on the Move’ series includes webinars, film screenings and blogs that open up the discussion about how child migrants are viewed around the world and how they challenge the stereotypes and controls placed upon them.