‘The UK Investor visa (1994-2022): a tumultuous history’ – an online talk by Sarah Kunz
Sarah Kunz will discuss her work on the UK Investor visa – Britain’s wealth-based immigration pathway that offered a straightforward route to permanent residence, and eventually citizenship, for those who […]
MMB New Year Social!
We warmly invite our members to join us for a drink to welcome in the new year and to catch up with MMB colleagues from across the University and Bristol. […]
‘The UK Investor visa (1994-2022): a tumultuous history’ – an online talk by Sarah Kunz
WebinarSarah Kunz will discuss her work on the UK Investor visa - Britain’s wealth-based immigration pathway that offered a straightforward route to permanent residence, and eventually citizenship, for those who […]
MMB/ACH webinar: Co-production – Where Research Meets Delivery
Join us for the first of our 2023 ACH/MMB webinars, aiming to bridge the gap between research, policy and delivery. This webinar will delve into the core of co-production for the development of refugee and migrant support and integration services, where it is vital to bring together research, policy and delivery expertise to ensure services […]
MMB Reading Group – William Conroy (2023)
This month the MMB Reading Group will meet to discuss William Conroy's recent article, 'Fanon's Mobilities: Race, Space, Recognition,' Antipode 2023, which engages with Frantz Fanon's writing on both geographical and dialectical movement. The discussion will be lead by Natasha Carver, Lecturer in International Criminology and lead for the MMB Challenge Bordering, Control, Justice. More from […]
Health: a key component of mobility justice
WebinarThe first webinar in our series, 'The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health', co-hosted with the Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet). With Nicola Burns, Karolina Follis and Luca Follis. In contemporary societies of the Global North, asylum seekers, migrants and refugees are among the groups experiencing some of the most […]
Illegal Migration Bill – Emergency Discussion
Online meetingThe Athenian Laws introduced by Draco c. 621 BCE were said to be written not in ink but blood. The UK government’s Illegal Migration Bill currently going through Parliament is draconian. It effectively puts an end to the UK’s asylum system as we know it and to many of the protections of the Modern Slavery […]
Exploring the mental health and psychosocial experiences of asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented migrants in the post migration context
WebinarThe second webinar in our series 'The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health', co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. Re-thinking the asylum process as a social determinant of health. With Alessio Albanese and Kate O'Donnell. Ample research has demonstrated the effects of pre migration experiences (e.g., war, persecution, violence, torture) on the mental health […]
Syrian mental health assessment and migration study: preliminary findings from a mixed-methods study
Webinar*** POSTPONED*** The third webinar in our series ‘The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health‘, co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. With Loubaba Mamluk and Sabi Redwood. Triggered by […]
A social model of asylum: disablement and resistance in the British asylum system
WebinarThe final webinar in our series ‘The Health of Migrants and the Right to Health', co-hosted by MMB and GRAMNet. With Rebecca Yeo. The UK asylum system includes multiple restrictions […]