Working Up a Large Grant Idea: An MMB Workshop

Ground Floor Meeting Room, 1 Priory Road 1 Priory Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

This workshop will be a face-to-face session for UoB staff interested in discussing migration and mobilities bid ideas (at any stage). Refreshments and lunch will be provided. If you are interested […]

‘Decolonising and Mobility’: A Seminar with Nandita Sharma

Professor Nandita Sharma gives a SPAIS departmental seminar about decentring the 'foreign' and liberating movement. This seminar for UoB staff and students will explore how class relations are sidelined when anti-colonial struggles come to be seen as largely about the achievement of national territorial sovereignty. By making ‘home rule’ the accepted vehicle for decolonisation, the […]

‘How not to think like a state: non-exclusion as the basis of political community’ – An MMB PGR workshop with Nandita Sharma

Verdon Smith Room, Royal Fort House, Bristol, United Kingdom

Ten places are available for this exclusive workshop with activist scholar Professor Nandita Sharma, hosted by MMB during her Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professorship. Postgraduates at all stages of their PhD are invited to explore and debate ways of thinking outside the nation state with Nandita, whose work addresses the production of categories of […]

‘African Apocalypse’ (2020) – Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Arnolfini 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol, United Kingdom

A film by Rob Lemkin, featuring Femi Nylander. Music by Tunde Jegede and Sunara Begum. UK Premiere of the Hausa dub (with English subtitles).   ‘A people’s history of colonialism in the form of an epic journey.’   British Nigerian activist Femi Nylander brings attention to the forgotten victims of colonial atrocity in a new […]

The MMB Summer Walk

Severn Beach Station Severn Beach Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

A walk and picnic on the banks of the River Severn - a chance to catch up, get to know each other and build the MMB community! Following the success […]

Migration and Climate Change


Our second joint webinar of the year examines the links between climate change and migration, bridging the gap between research and delivery. Climate change is the biggest threat our planet […]

Autumn Composting

(de)Bordering Plot Royal Fort Gardens, Bristol, United Kingdom

Building on our (de)Bordering collaboration, Brigstow and MMB have launched a new joint initiative, Seasons and Cycles. This will start conversations that explore connections between plant, animal and human movements/migrations and develop research partnerships between scientists, social scientists and the arts and humanities. Activities will take the (de)Bordering plot as a literal and metaphorical starting point, beginning with […]

MMB Reading Group – Altenreid and Bojadzijev (2017)

The MMB Reading Group is back! This year we will be discussing articles as well as books that encourage new ways of thinking about migration and mobilities. The meetings are held online and the next one will be facilitated by MMB Director Bridget Anderson.   Text: Moritz Altenried and Manuela Bojadžijev (2017) ‘Virtual Migration, Racism […]

MMB Film Group: ‘Offside’ (Jafar Panahi, 2006, 85 minutes)

The Cinema, Department of Film and Television 5th Floor, Richmond Building, Bristol

Screening and discussion An Iranian comedy drama following the plight of a group of girls who disguise themselves as boys in order to sneak into the Iranian national football stadium in Tehran (where women are banned from attending matches) to watch a qualifying game between Iran and Bahrain for the World Cup. Held behind barriers […]